CARBIOS Active: the biologic solution that makes plant-based plastic compostable even at ambient temperature!

This innovation, provided by Carbiolice, is designed for plastic applications and packaging, which, by their nature, cannot be recycled. Whether it’s too thin, too complex to recycle or soiled by food, 91% of plastic waste ends up being incinerated, landfilled, buried or dispersed in nature.

CARBIOS Active is an innovative and eco-responsible alternative that makes it possible to achieve zero waste. Biolastic containing CARBIOS Active can be collected with biowaste and will completely disintegrate and biodegrade in less than 8 weeks.

CARBIOS Active is the first biological solution allowing PLA rich-films to be certified “OK compost HOME”.

This technology contributes  to the fight against plastic waste accumulation in the environment and becomes an effective lever for the deployement of a high-performance solution for sorting bio-waste at source.

How CARBIOS Active works to improve the bioplastic end of life?

CARBIOS Active is an encapsulated enzyme incorporated into flexible and rigid PLA packaging at a specific percentage, making it 100% compostable, even at room temperature.

Consequently, it completely disintegrates and biodegrades, yielding compost without any residue or toxicity, providing a high-quality return to the soil.

CARBIOS Active applications
Discover the products that become fully compostable, even at ambient temperature, when integrating CARBIOS Active
  • app-1

    Flexible films

  • app-2


  • Sachet de thé et capsule café

    Coffee capsules and tea bags

  • app-4

    E-commerce packaging (bubble wrap, polybags, etc.)

  • Pot de fleur

    Agricultural applications (mulching film, pots, etc.)

How does CARBIOS Active works?

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

CARBIOS Active production

Player: Carbiolice

Carbiolice formulates the enzyme produced by its partner Novonesis to protect its activity when subjected to high temperatures. The protected enzyme takes the form of an CARBIOS Active masterbatch.



Introduction and processing on industrial lines

Players: Material transformers or packaging manufacturers

Carbiolice supplies CARBIOS Active, which is integrated up to 5% to a compound with a high PLA level during traditional plastic transformation processes such as extrusion, injection molding, calendering or thermoforming. The enzyme remains inactive during the entire period of the product’s use.

A series of tests were executed by OWS to find out whether biodegradation begins during the PLA products use. Biodegradation starts only under domestic or industrial composting conditions. No impact on the packaging lifetime and its mechanical properties was observed.

From the left to the right:

  • Food only
  • PLA tray with food
  • PLA + CARBIOS Active with food

Moreover, tests have been performed at the Institut Pasteur de Lille confirming that plastic made with CARBIOS Active® have no skin irritating effect.

Enzyme activation and plastic end-of-life

Players: Waste recovery companies and/or consumers

The enzyme is activated under composting conditions (humidity, temperature, PH). It allows plastic disintegration,  which will then be digested by the microorganisms in compost. With CARBIOS Active, the PLA becomes compostable even at ambient temperature (NF T51-800). It also facilitates and accelerates industrial composting and generates biogas in methanization.

Some test results:

Tests performed on a 25 µm film made of 33% PLA and 5% CARBIOS Active.Test carried out by OWS laboratory  

The 4 criteria defined by the NF T51-800 “Plastiques – Spécifications pour les plastiques aptes au compostage domestique” standard have been met: 

  • Disintegration achieved within 70 days
  • Total biodegradation achieved in 120 days
  • Zero Toxicity: Watercress sprout tests were conducted in virgin compost and in compost containing the sample for 12 days. The germination and biomass rate reaches the 90% required by the standards. 
  • Validated chemical characterizations: limits for heavy metals presence and minimum volatile content are also respected. 

Tests performed on a 60 µm film made of 95% PLA and 5% CARBIOS Active.Internal testing

  • Total disintegration achieved in 2 weeks

Tests performed on a 700 µm film made of 95% PLA and 5% CARBIOS Active.Internal testing

    • Total disintegration achieved in 6 weeks
Your company wants to develop compostable and environmentally friendly packaging?
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Test results and analysis on products containing CARBIOS Active

Flexible film
Flexible film

Tests performed on a 60 µm film made of 95% PLA and 5% CARBIOS Active

The 4 criteria defined by standard NF T51-800 “Plastiques – Spécifications pour les plastiques aptes au compostage domestiques” have been met.

Reached in 6 weeks

70% of average biodegradation in 95 days – still on-going

Test for watercress growth in virgin compost and in compost containing the sample for 12 days. The rate of germination and biomass reach the 90% requested by the standards.

Chemical Characterizations: 
Limits on the presence of heavy metals and minimum volatile matter content are also respected. 

Tests carried out by the OWS laboratory

  • Disintegration test: tests performed on a 700 µm sheet made of 70% PLA and 5% CARBIOS Active.

    Disintegration: achieved in 6 weeks

    In-house home composting test
  • Compressive strength test
    With an equivalent thickness, a PLA yoghurt pot containing CARBIOS Active is twice as strong as a PS yoghurt pot (a non-recyclable plastic conventionally used to make yoghurt pots).

  • Mechanical properties test:
    After 3 weeks in the refrigerator, the yoghurt-filled pots have not suffered any change in their mechanical properties. Lactic ferments do not cause the enzyme activation. The enzyme keeps all its properties.

​Test carried out internally

Test for watercress growth in virgin compost and in compost containing the sample for 12 days. The rate of germination and biomass reach the 90% requested by the standards.

Chemical Characterizations: 
Limits on the presence of heavy metals and minimum volatile matter content are also respected. 

Biodegradation tests :

25µm films containing 33% PLA and 5% CARBIOS Active

  • Biodegradation reached in 120 days 

  • Disintegration reached in 70 days

Results presented in the flexible film (packaging) category are valid for this product category. 
Criteria required by the standards also apply to bagging films.  

Test for watercress growth in virgin compost and in compost containing the sample for 12 days. The rate of germination and biomass reach the 90% requested by the standards.

Chemical Characterizations: 
Limits on the presence of heavy metals and minimum volatile matter content are also respected.